Leaf & Love Wellbeing Therapies for the Body-mind
Leaf and Love focuses on all things emotional and spiritual! Energetic therapies can help to remove tired or warn out belief systems and/or events that can stop you from feeling your best. Enter into the world of quantum vibrations and untap your potential by developing your symbiotic relationship with nature energy. We also have a little shop with crystals and second hand books to facilitate your personal journey!
Spiritual Life Coaching
Have the support of a spiritual life coach. Discover your wants, needs, and importantly, purpose! Live the true you.
Spiritual Life Coaching will help teach you to set boundaries, develop your awareness and connect with nature by developing your intuition and awareness.
Available either online or in-person, sessions take place bi-weekly for 3 months or as individual sessions, or however works for you. I can be on call when necessary for as long as it takes.
Guided Mediation Sessions
Calm negative thoughts and anxiety, whilst grounding yourself with a guided meditation session.
The meditation will involve following simple instructions that will help ease stress and help to support your inner child, guiding you on a journey of peace that includes breathing exercises and can be adapted into your daily life once you leave.
Sessions are one-hour in length, one-on-one or in a small group. Meditation needs consistency and works best with regular weekly sessions.
Quantum & Crystal
Energy Healing
The body has an innate ability to heal from stored emotions. Heal and release trauma at the cellular level with quantum energies. This energy work promotes a healthy body-mind, and restores overall well-being.
Focused positive intention is directed to the body to restore energy. Crystals are placed on the body with added vibrations to rebalance your chakras, and keep you grounded. You simply lie down in a relaxing space, fully clothed, before easing you back into the world safely and gently.
These are 1:1 sessions, 40 mins - 1 hr, depending on the healing needed.Canine quantum healing available too!
Children's Creative Meditation
When children deal with adult issues, it can be difficult for them to understand their emotions and struggle with anxiety - they can retreat inwards, have anger or display difficult behaviours.
Our Creative Meditation sessions are exclusively designed to provide a safe play session where they can find new ways of processing their emotions and feelings through creativity. Sessions include the use of singing bowls, meditation, music, dance, crystal healing, reiki, colour therapy and nature play and of course, Elliot, our trained Therapy Pug is on hand to help too!
If you live locally, we offer regular sessions, either in groups of 6 or 1:1; whichever works better for your child. All sessions last 1 hour.