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Is Water Magic?

Updated: Sep 20, 2023

I remember when I was once asked, very sarcastically, “do you heal with magic water, too?” It makes me laugh because life as we know it would not exist if water acted like a regular liquid!

Water is a polar molecule - this means it holds both a positive and negative electrical charge, allowing for hydrogen bonding to take place, it gives water its many attributes including: surface tension, cohesion, adhesion a unique density and thermal stability, and allows it to act as a solvent, reactant, metabolite and provide habitat! The uniqueness of water is actually rather magical!

We need to understand a little biochemistry first. Water contains one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms = H2O. Oxygen has 8 protons and 8 electrons. Hydrogen has 1 proton and 1 electron; you can find protons in the middle of the atom, while the electrons spin in shells around them. Two electrons sit in the first shell, then electrons usually follow the Octet Rule, having 8 friends in the second shell onwards. When each of the hydrogen atoms share their electron (forming a covalent bond) they all become much happier and stable! Oxygen now has 8 electrons in the outer shell, hydrogens first shells have two each too - chemically, the perfect menage a trois!

While there are many lessons that nature can teach us about sharing and working as a community, the magic is yet to be realised! Protons have a positive charge and electrons have a negative charge, and opposites attract! Oxygen has 8 positive protons which creates a stronger negative pull compared to the hydrogen atoms. While the water molecule has an equal number of electrons and protons the charge is not spread equally throughout the molecule creating both a negative pole and a positive pole - hence we call it a polar molecule. It is these forces of attraction that result in a Mickey Mouse-shaped molecule!

When many water molecules come together their poles are attracted to the opposite pole of their adjacent friends, by means of a hydrogen bond. Water molecules can form a structure as they are ‘sticky’ - chemically, these molecules are being pushed and pulled until they form hydrogen bonds and come together! Such bonds create a cohesive and adhesive structure and creating surface tension (why insects can walk on water), form droplets and can actually ‘climb’ and work against gravity (plants have evolved transport systems based on these skills like those seen in plant roots).

The bonds are constantly building up and breaking down which means that water is a great universal solvent. It is a perfect medium for breaking down food in our gut (hydrolysis), as well as creating salty environments, and allowing for marine life.

When water freezes the hydrogen bonds become fixed, the structured spaces make it less dense, and why ice floats. This rare density of ice means that life can survive in freezing conditions and ice can actually help to insulate. Conversely, water absorbs heat (which allows for photosynthesis in plants), but it can also release large amounts through evaporation (the breaking of hydrogen bonds), producing a stable environment, and therefore life!

Water & Healing

Water has been used heal dis-ease, in both physical and energetic forms since ancient times. It brought life. Hippocrates refers to baths used to heal, with SPA, solus par aqua, translating to healing through water. But what about that of vibration?

Water energy transfer is the basis for Homeopathic medicine (Bach Rescue Remedy is a common example). It is based on the imprinting of various flowers into water water. The vibration or resonance, is transferred into the water, which is then transferred to the physical body. With 600 million people using homeopathy worldwide, is this really just ‘magic water’ or the placebo effect?

There are many new scientific fields providing evidence such as: solvatro-chromic dyes and the work of Prof. Leoni Bonamin in Brazil, the study of nanoparticles, coherence domains, or Rupert Sheldrake’s theory of morphic resonance; the latter suggesting that nature has an inherent memory.

Indigenous tribes have always seen water as a living entity, that is hold resonance. Resonance will always have an integral relationship with consciousness. The philosophy of the mind or panpsychism, is the view that a mind-like reality exists throughout the universe. Nature has a yearning for order (as we can see in water with the formation of the molecules) and we can match to these vibrations when we set our intention to do so.

Masaru Emoto a Japanese scientist, spent his life doing water experiments and looking at the effects of intention. He studied ice crystals hat had been blessed with both positive intention and negative intent - the positive thoughts contained correctly formed crystals, compared with malformed structures. In 2004, a double blind study was created. The hypothesis was that water treated with intention can affect ice crystals. When the crystals from two groups (intention and non-intention) were blindly assessed, the ‘intentional’ water was found to have a higher aesthetic appeal, lending support to the power of intention.

What we place our attention on grows and stays vital. You could try it yourself. Sterilise two jars, add cooked rice to both, keep the parameters the same as possible. Give only one of the jars good intention. Which one stays more healthful?

How that intention is transferred to the body is less understood. Emoto suggested that 'each emotion is a different kaleidoscope of hydrogen bonds [and salt connections].’ Focused at the cellular level, there are so many amazing areas of study. I will leave you with one more to consider, that of music. Music and Emotion is a leading area of scientific and empirical research. It has shown we not only perceive emotions but feel them when listening to music - we actually have changes in physiological reactions such as increased blood pressure or sweat responses. A possible theory is that at a cellular level, we learn to interpret the movement of hydrogen ions (changes in pH) as patterns of different feelings. Essentially our body could be a musical symphony of emotions orchestrated by the movement hydrogen ions which takes place in a watery environment.

Water molecules travel endlessly through unnatural structures, being poisoned with chemical waste, pesticides, hormones, plastics, radiation, negative emotions, fear. If water can hold energy it is being polluted and the vibration is lowering. Does that have an affect on us? We are 70% water and live in a symbiotic relationship with nature... Let's wait for science to catch up. And keep positive intention and love at the heart of all the things we do and say... and take care of our environment by making small changes.


Emoto M. The hidden messages in Water. Beyond Words Publishing, Inc: Hillsboro, Oregon, 2004, translated from Japanese by David A. Thane.

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Batmanghelidj, F. Water: for Health, for Healing for Life. New York: Warner Books, 2003.

Buchman, Dian D. The Complete Book of Water Healing. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002.

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